Relocation Form
Center Kishore is from:
Center Kishore is moveing to:
Date Kishore is moving:
Is transportation needed at the new location:
------------------------------ General Information About The Kishore-------------------------------------
First Name: Last Name:
New Address: ST: ZIP:
Date of Birth: (mm/dd/yy)
Father's Name: Mother's Name:
------------------------------ Academic Information------------------------------------
Highest Level of Education completed:
Name of University at New Location:
Career Asperation: (doctor, engineer, etc) Academic Interests: (biology, math, etc.)
Other Information:
------------------------------ Satsang Information --------------------------------------
How long has he been in Satsang:
Talents: (Speech, Tabla, etc)
The form is basically self expanatiory, but if
there are any questions or coments please mailto:[email protected].
Again the forms are so we can inform the new center about the new kishores. Also, if there
is any information which you or the kishore feels should be confidential you don't
have to send it. On the other hand if there is more information you would like to include
please do not hesitate to attach it to the new form.
Thank you again for your cooperation.